by | Feb 10, 2023 | Companion Flange

Oil and gas drilling involves a lot of plumbing, including pipe connections that require companion flanges. So, what is a companion flange? A companion flange corresponds to another flange to create a joint that fits into pipe connections. It has bolt holes that align with other flanges for quick jointing. As a result, it creates a pressure-tight seal.

Companion flanges are vital in oil drilling operations. They help oilfield operators to assemble and disassemble pipe connections quickly. Besides, the flanges have bolt-hole patterns that align with other flanges to secure pipe joints. As a result, they make oil and gas pipes repair and maintenance services easy.

What is a companion flange, and how does it work in tandem with your oil rig set up? Learn how a companion flange can change your rig. Share on X

What Does a Companion Flange Do?

The companion flange is usually attached to another pipe’s flange, and the pipeline gets assembled to create a tight fit between the two flanges. You can also use the flange in a pipeline section you may want to remove in the future, mainly when changing pipe size.

All you need to do is place a flange in the pipeline and use a gasket to seal the sections tightly. As a result, the joint offers quick access during an emergency. The companion flange also allows convenient pipeline expansion for future construction additions.

Type of Flanges

Companion flanges come in different types, depending on the materials they are made of. Therefore, blending two or more pipes into a single system is easy without replacing the whole of it. For instance, you can add copper flanges to plastic plumbing systems.

Iron pipes can also blend well with brass flanges. However, blending different materials requires a matching flange and gasket. Besides, you need to use an anti-seize compound on the fasteners of different flange materials to prevent oxidation and rust.

Some types of flanges you should know based on design include:

  • Blind flange
  • Lap joint flange
  • Slip-on flange
  • Socket weld flange
  • Threaded flange
  • Welding neck flange 

What is Best?

Companion flanges are vital in sealing inspection openings to provide access points within plumbing lines. For that reason, a closed flange is often used to seal open pipes. Thankfully, you can change out the closed flange in the future when necessary. Also, the flanges make future additions or substractions within the pipelines easy.

Let BOP Products Help

Companion flanges are essential in the oil industry. If you want your oil rig to have a lot of longevity, a companion flange will allow you to change out your pipe size easily. Looking for this piece of equipment? Check out our products to see what we have for you! 

Contact us to learn more about oil rig equipment.

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