As an oilfield operator, you should strive to fulfill all the BOP certification requirements to maintain the safety of workers. Ensure that BOPs are well-maintained and compliant with the government regulations. By recertifying the BOP systems, you can rest easy knowing that all your employees in the oilfield will be safe from potential blowouts.
Risks related to pressure control are intense and highly visible. In that case, you have to check traceability during BOP recertification. Even the slightest variation in a BOP system can have significant implications on its performance. That’s why it’s essential to recertify BOPs to maintain their integrity and performance.
Are you looking for a certificate of compliance for your BOP system? Here are the BOP certification requirements to fulfill first. #BOPProducts Share on XComply With Industry Standards
One of the essential requirements to fulfill is to ensure that your BOPs comply with the set industry standards. You can achieve that by subjecting the BOPs through rigorous tests to evaluate their working condition. An inspector will do a mechanical inspection to determine the BOP’s yield strength and chemical testing to determine the material type.
Acquire a Certificate of Compliance
Once you’ve performed the BOP inspections and ensured that it’s working correctly, you can acquire a certificate of compliance. You’ll only qualify for the certificate when you’ve completed all the necessary repairs. Whether you’ll receive the certificate of compliance or not will also depend on the BOP’s remanufacturing process classifications.
Inspection and Repair
The oil and gas industry has emphasized inspection, testing, and repair of faulty BOPs to ensure compliance with industry standards. During the BOP inspection, the inspector will handle the RAM components on a quick turnaround basis. They will then determine the repair procedures using the classification of tasks the BOP should do.
Ensure You’re Meeting The API Standards
When your BOP passes all the functionality tests and has fulfilled the BOP certification requirements, you should seek to implement the API recommendations. That will even help bring back the BOP to the OEM certification standards. Ensure that your BOP has a visible asset number to improve traceability, tracking, and logging for maintenance.
Contact us to learn more about BOP certification requirements.