by | Mar 13, 2020 | Oilfield Safety

Any professional industry will hold itself and its members to high standards of excellence. The oil and gas fields are no exception to this rule. Whether you’re shopping for BOPs or trying to find a new business partner in the oil industry, you’re likely looking for someone with trustworthy licenses and credentials to back up their claims.

Professional licenses and endorsements aren’t everything, of course. But they can contribute a great deal to an organization’s credibility and help you find a company you can trust in a competitive industry. Here are a few reasons why proper oil licenses are a crucial part of your consideration.

Any credible oilfield industry leader will have licenses and credentials to back up their claims. Here’s why those credentials are so important. #BOPProducts Share on X

Outside Verification

Seeking and displaying professional licenses shows a willingness to back up any claims the company in question is making. After all, they aren’t just expecting you to take their word for it. By showing endorsements from fellow industry leaders, the company is demonstrating that they’ve opened themselves to scrutiny from others–and passed with flying colors! Licenses are proof of excellent outside verification.

High Standards for Products & Services

When you find a business that proudly displays their professional licenses and endorsements, you can rest assured that their products and services meet high standards of excellence. While any company can claim that their products outrank the competition, getting an industry leader to agree with those claims takes a truly exceptional product. A trustworthy endorsement is a sure sign of an excellent product.

Examples of Trustworthy Licenses

Keep an eye out for these excellent licenses in the oilfield industry:

  • APIQR Registration: this shows that the American Petroleum Institute Quality Registrar has approved the company’s quality management system.
  • DNV-GL Approval: This shows that the company’s BOPs are fully in compliance with applicable standards.
  • Certificate of Authority to Use the API Logo: This shows that the APIQR has enough confidence in the company’s BOP products to allow their logo to be printed on them as a sign of quality.

Pro Tip: BOP Products is proud to have multiple professional licenses showing the quality of our products!

Finding a Company You Can Trust

A truly professional company will proudly display their licenses and endorsements from other industry leaders for potential business partners to see. Not only does this enhance their credibility in the oil and gas industries, but it also proves they know exactly what they’re doing. This is a company you can trust to provide quality products and services.

Join the conversation to learn more about what our oil licenses mean.

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